Wednesday 31 October 2012

When all I have is pictures of the vines going to sleep I have to find something else to spend my time on.
Like this Crichët Pajé Barbaresco 2001 from Luca Roagna.
This is a wine that give people a reason to dedicate theire lifes to Wine...
Had it with good company in booth people and food as a late B-day dinner.

Later on we had another fantastic Piedemont producer, Bruno Giacosa and his Barbera d'Alba from 2010. This was like a premier dessert, it had such a extreme smell of rubarb pie!! Sweet and acidic rubarb with butter dough, really nice...


  1. Vintervila med tid för provsmakningar av goda viner med goda tillbehör! Det är det bästa med denna årstiden :)

  2. Man må ju hålla sig sysselsatt:)
